Monday, September 28, 2015

Movie review: Dracula Untold

Ever wanted to see a movie that takes a classic, iconic monster and makes him a noble hero fighting for his people? No, me neither.

The best thing I can say about DRACULA UNTOLD is that it's better than I, FRANKENSTEIN. While I actually liked THE WOLFMAN redux, if this how Universal is going to try to update their classic monsters I'm really, really disappointed. I guess it wouldn't be as bad if Dracula as still an anti-hero but he's a straight up hero now, even as a murdering, blood sucking vampire.

Speaking of vampires, I really want to cry seeing Charles Dance reduced to this. I mean, a paycheck might be a paycheck but I'd expect he'd be rolling in that Game of Thrones money. Throw in some really weird makeup choices and I'm not sure what's up with him.

I'd like to go into the plot a little but it's completely forgettable. Like I should have taken notes on this. So many reviews compare this to MALEFICIENT, but I managed to avoid that one. I wish I had avoided this one. Since it's horribly unimaginative I'll just leave some great pull quotes from reviews.

"Might be worth seeing solely for the moment when Dracula says, "I'm worth 1,000 boys and you know it." - Scott Weinberg, TheHorrorShow

"It's just a bunch of nonexistent people getting knocked over by nonexistent bats." - Rob Gonsalves,

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